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As a successful individual, you face unique challenges in the management of your wealth. You realize that your portfolio requires professional attention, but lack the time to properly manage your financial interests in today's complex investment marketplace.

Access Manager Selection Program has been designed for investors who demand both excellence and results, yet desire freedom from the day-to-day details of managing their wealth. In consultation with your Investment Advisor, you will choose from a select roster of over 40 world-class portfolio management firms.

Normally, this level of investment management requires a multi-million-dollar investment. But with Access, you can hire elite-level investment managers for as little as $100,000 per manager.

Only the finest investment managers make the cut

Your managers are re-evaluated on an ongoing basis by one of the world's foremost investment consultants - Lockwood Advisors Inc. Lockwood meticulously evaluates and researches thousands of investment managers to maintain a short list of exceptional performers. If a change is recommended for your portfolio, an appropriate replacement will be provided.

Enhance your after-tax returns

With Access, you directly own the securities in your portfolio, as opposed to owning units in a pooled fund, which is the most common way for people to access top-level investment management. This enables your investment managers to make strategic buy-and-sell decisions to enhance your after-tax returns. A tax-aware manager can control the distribution of any capital gains or losses based on your tax needs in any given year. And you will not inherit taxable gains you didn't benefit from - as you often do with mutual funds.

Developing your personal strategy

Your Investment Advisor will help you create your Investment Policy Statement - your personal "blueprint." The structure of your portfolio will be based on factors such as your risk tolerance, investment time horizon, liquidity requirements and income needs.

Achieving success is an ongoing process

Access incorporates a disciplined review process to ensure that the growth of your portfolio is in accordance with the goals established in your Investment Policy Statement. Regularly scheduled meetings with your Investment Advisor ensure that:

  • your investment strategy reflects your current needs
  • the mix of assets in your portfolio corresponds with both your personal situation and global market conditions
  • the chosen managers are delivering expected results
To learn more about Access Manager Selection Program, please contact an Investment Advisor or ask an Investment Advisor to contact you.

 rbcinvestments.com is operated by Royal Bank of Canada.