RBC Dominion Securities Client Account Agreements Brochure
The terms and conditions for most types of RBC Dominion Securities accounts are contained in our Client Account Agreements and Disclosure Documents brochure. This includes the plan text for our non-registered accounts, as well as for our RSP, RIF, and Locked-In registered accounts. It also includes the plan text for our Advisor Account, Private Investment Management Account, Access Account, Parameters Account, and other account types.
Family RESP Plan Text
The Plan Text provides the terms and conditions for the RBC Dominion Securities Family RESP Plan. Revised terms and conditions came into effect March 2006. This information is also included in the Client Account Agreement.
Declaration of Trust Documentation
The Declaration of Trust provides the terms and conditions for the following RBC Dominion Securities registered plans. Revised terms and conditions came into effect October 2006 as part of the new Client Account Form. This information is also included in the Client Account Agreement.
To learn more about the types of investment plans offered by RBC Dominion Securities, please contact an Investment Advisor or ask an Investment Advisor to contact you.